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Galileo New Technologies

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Galileo New Technologies is a digital EEG (Electroencephalography) system that supports up to 128 channels and that performs several clinical and scientific analysis and processings such as filtering, spectral analysis, 3-D amplitude and spectral maps, etc. This job was committed to my company (BrainWare) by EBNeuro, and I’ve been the architect of the Software side of the system. I also wrote about 70% of the code of the project (release 1.0), not including the database. This includes the Direct3D programming, the localization and internationalization routines (with a simple solution that easily allows you to translate your software in every language, including Chinese), all the major graph routines (both the head maps and the traces), the Digital Signal Processor module, the Plug-in extensions, the Digital Video acquisition module synchronized with the EEG signals (up to 48 hours of digital video synchronized with the traces), and about all the things that you can argue from the following  screenshots. Actually this product is supported by the internal EBNeuro staff and the latest release is 1.70.
After this product has been released I’ve developed some extension to it that you can purchase from the EBNeuro or that you can have from me: this includes:

· The Voice Command Module: a separate tool that allows you to command Galileo NT using the voice;

· The integrated report generator: with which you can quickly create patients and exams reports using your favorite word processor that has special menu items related to Galileo NT;

· The real-time spectral analyzer, that allows you to view 3-D spectral maps in real-time (updated 5 times per seconds on a Pentium II 400 MHz PC!!);

· The B.C.I. Module: that instantly converts your E.E.G. system in a Brain Computer Interface device.

· NEW! The BackAverager tool: convert your EEG system in a EP system with this tool. Every EEG trace can be segmentated depending in events (states, messages) inserted into the EEG trace. Cartoon up to 64 3-D Maps, Fine Aligment, On-Line Single-Trial Removal. Unlimited number of Averages. Works with any EDF file.

Screen Shots


The Trace Window

Traces View



The Potential Map Window

Potential Map



The Spectral Map Window

Spectral Maps



The Spectral Analysis Window

Spectral Analysis

© Copyright (2000), Luigi Bianchi
Last Update: February 22, 2001